Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Board Game Mash-up: Save the Queen!

Here is the summary for the board game mash-up Darren Molony and I created:

Game Setup

Using the "Trouble" game board, place 7 hexagonal map pieces upside down (blue side showing) across the center of the board as shown in the picture. Get the center of the two outer hexagons to line up as close to the bulls-eyes as you can as this is the spot the player must land to access the "river." The queen marker is placed on the center river tile. The players must only play as the Red and Yellow pieces or as the Blue and Green. Set the River up accordingly. The picture shows a game setup for Red and Yellow play.

Each player plays with one Trouble token. They start in the home base that is the same color as their player piece. Players roll both dice to see who goes first. Each player then draws one "booby trap" token from random. These should be in a pile and upside down to make the drawings random. These trap tokens can only be played at the beginning of a round (after the last player's turn is finished and before the first player rolls the dice).

Players may move in either direction on the game board at any time. They may also choose to use only one of the two dice rolled. If both dice are used, they player must travel in the same direction for both dice. For example, if a 4 and a 6 are rolled on the dice, a player may move 4 to the right or left, 6 to the right or left, or 10 to the right or left. A player may not move partial dice amounts or move 4 in one direction and 6 in the other.

Game Mechanics

Trap Tokens - When placed on a board spot, these tokens designate an obstacle for the player to cross. Any token landed on will require the player to pass it, even if they placed it themselves.

Each token will have a number on it with dots underneath. The number indicates what must be rolled in order to pass the trap. When a player passes a trap, they draw another random trap from the pile that can be played at any time. If a player rolls any combination of numbers that equal less than the number on the token, they lose their turn. If they roll high enough to pass, they then move as many spots as dots are on the token. No more and no less. They must also move in the same direction as they entered the trap. They cannot reverse at this time. If a player rolls the EXACT number shown on the trap, they can opt to take that trap token or draw a random one. Trap tokens are ONLY removed when a player successfully passes them.

There are four RED trap tokens. These tokens work exactly the same as black ones with one exception; a player who fails to roll high enough to pass these traps is sent back into his home base.

If a player rolls double numbers when trying to pass a trap, they take the trap they were on and also draw a trap from the random pile. Players can only play one trap card per round.
There should always be at least 2 trap tokens on the board or in a players pile waiting to be placed.

Discarded trap tokens should be placed upside down in a separate pile. Once all of the tiles have been used, the discarded pile should then be used as the draw pile.

Using the River - The Queen is located on the middle tile of the river. A player must land on the bulls-eye adjacent to the river piece in order to enter it. When entered, a player floats immediately across to the other side's bulls-eye. If the queen is still present, the player scoops her up along the way. The turn is finished after the player reaches the other side.

Stealing the Queen - Once the Queen has been saved from the river, players can steal her from each other simply by passing each other on the board. If a player fails a RED trap token while carrying the queen, the queen is left on that token and the player must move back to his Start position. The Queen can only be picked up by a player that gets to the Queen but they must also then pass the RED trap token.


In order to win the game a player must capture the queen and return her safely into his home base.

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