Thursday, October 2, 2014

Board Game: Brainstorming

Now onto the brainstorming phase, here are some ideas I have at the moment for my potential game:

Conquest - Similiar to BF4 conquest mode, 2 players fight over a series of objectives. each objective they take earns them more attack and defend resources. first player to control all bases wins. Of a player completely runs out of resources, they lose. Different cards may include: (Attack: AC-130 target any space on board. Roll dice for accuracy. 1=on target  2=one space off  3= two spaces off etc.)

Mountain Climber - Race to the top of a 3D printed mountain. Players can set traps for other players.

Zombie Survival Game - Similar to "chutes and ladder"  it is a race to the finish. In this case a race to survival. there are shortcuts and sabotage that can send a player back some spaces.

2 Minute Drill - 2 players face off in football. Each player gets a chance on offense and defense. Player to score on the least attempts wins.

Tribal Warfare - Two neighboring tribes wage war. Strategically move warriors to infiltrate enemy location while still defending your home turf.

Bank Heist  - board game with cards that can drastically change the game if players choose to use them. 2-6 players. There must be at least one cop. Can be team or individual win. Players can choose to kill off teammates to keep more of loot.

Survive - horror movie type survival game. Players choose identity cards at random at beginning of game. One player is the killer. Last man standing is the winner.

Storm the Castle - Each player gets a chance to attack and defend. 5 warriors per attacking team. player to get through the most barricades wins.

Minefield - Similar to Chess but with mines that each player places at beginning of the game. All mine cards will be face down. Players will also place bluff cards. 

Gladiator - players face off in an arena in a fight to the death!

Avalanche - Players race down the mountain before the incoming avalanche reaches them. Last man standing or first to safety wins.

Totem Pole - players must send out characters to retrieve pieces of their tribes totem pole. First to build Totem Pole wins.

Zombie survival - each player gets a team of 4 characters. Players draw cards to see who gets to move. Player to get most characters to safety wins.

Big Fish - players start off as a little fish. They must eat smaller fish to grow. When a players fish is bigger than another players, they can eat them and win the round. First to 3 Points.

Final Battle - Each player has an army set in medieval times. Use resources to defeat the enemy army completely

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